Transforming organizations through skillful alignment of people, process and technology.
The Hilltop Companies

Mortgage Banking Companies

Many mortgage banking companies are owned by banks but Hilltop also focuses on the non-bank owned mortgage entities which perform all or most of the same business functions that bank-owned mortgage entities do.  One aspect that smaller companies deal with is “outsourcing” specific functions of the mortgage life cycle (loan servicing is a common example) is where we help our clients select, monitor and even test compliance at these vendors/business counterparties. Hilltop has deep experience in the mortgage banking industry and we don’t have a minimum client or engagement size like many large consulting/accounting firms do.  Yet Hilltop’s professionals are all former employees of large banks, the Big 4 accounting or large consulting firms and/or the regulatory agencies and GSEs.

Hilltop and our professionals have served over 350 mortgage banking clients.